America’s Corrupt Policing System –

America’s Corrupt Policing System –
America’s Corrupt Policing System – LewRockwell.com A Wood, 35, alleges he saw detectives kick suspects in the face, urinate on their beds during home raids, and illegally search people with no justification on a daily…
Americans for Cannabis | The peoples movement
Americans for Cannabis | The peoples movement/Americans for Cannabis™ is a homegrown movement dedicated to promoting honest education about cannabis (hemp, marijuana) and the full repeal of cannabis prohibition. Our main…

Shona Banda Drug Arrest: A Prime Case for Jury Nullification

Support Jury Nullification
 “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” — Thomas Jefferson “It is presumed, that juries are the best judges of facts; it is, on the other hand, presumed that courts are the best judges of law. But still both objects are within your power of decision… you [juries] have a right to take it upon yourselves to judge of both, and to determine the law as well as the fact in controversy”. — First Chief Justice John Jay State Of Georgia v. Brailsford (1794) “It is not only [the juror’s] right, but his duty…to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court.” — John Adams, 1771 “… is usual for the jurors to decide the fact, and to refer the law arising on it to the decision of the judges. But this division of the subject lies with their discretion only. And if the question relate to any point of public liberty, or if it be one of those in which the judges may be suspected of bias, the jury undertake to decide both law and fact.” — Thomas Jefferson, “Notes on Virginia,” 1782 “The jury has the power to bring a verdict in the teeth of both the law and the facts.” — Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Horning v. District of Columbia, 1920 “Jurors should acquit, even against the judge’s instruction…if exercising their judgement with discretion and honesty they have a clear conviction that the charge of the court is wrong.” — Alexander Hamilton, 1804
Jury Rights Project - jurors judge the law and the facts
Jury Rights Project – jurors judge the law and the facts and exercise your jury rights to ensure an equitable justice system for all.
Jury Nullification | Fully Informed Jury Association
Jury Nullification | Fully Informed Jury Associationhttp://fija.orgFIJA works to: • Inform potential jurors of their traditional, legal authority to refuse to enforce unjust laws • Inform potential jurors that they cannot be required to check… - Get Informed - - Explaining Jury Nullification as the Last Check and Balance – Get Informed – – Explaining Jury Nullification as the Last Check and Balance“It is presumed, that juries are the best judges of facts; it is, on the other hand, presumed that courts are the best judges of law. But still both objects are within your power…


EMERALD TRIANGLE RAIDED: Island Mountain “Mom and Pop” Growers Raided Today by Multi County Agency in Humboldt, Mendocino and Trinity Counties

And the raids continue as well as the military police state in California and abroad. De-Schedule,Exempt,Repeal & Reclaim

Social Publishing Test



If this works it should post to multiple Facebook Pages at once. Wish us luck!



Blog Post | Americans for Cannabis | The peoples movement

Blog Post | Americans for Cannabis | The peoples movement/blog-post/6/17/15, Turning Point interviews Dr. Vandana Shiva about the threat of GMO cannabis. Dr. Shiva voices support for the Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act…



The Emperor Wears No Clothes Book Chapters

Read the book online for free courtesy of JackHerer .com

Chapter 1

The Emperor Wears No Clothes

By Jack Herer


Overview of the History of Cannabis Hemp

  For the Purpose of Clarity in this Book:   Explanations or documentations marked with an asterisk (*) are listed at the end of the related paragraph(s). For brevity, other sources for facts, anecdotes, histories, studies, etc., are cited in the body of the text. Numbered footnotes are at the end of each chapter. Reproductions of selected critical source materials are incorporated into the body of the text or included in the appendices.   The facts cited herein are generally verifiable in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which was printed primarily on paper produced with cannabis hemp for over 150 years. However, any encyclopedia (no matter how old) or good dictionary will do for general verification purposes.  

Cannabis Sativa L.

  Also known as: Hemp, cannabis hemp, Indian (India) hemp, true hemp, muggles, weed, pot, spinach, marijuana, reefer, grass, ganja, bhang, the kind, dagga, herb, etc., all names for exactly the same plant!  

What’s in a Name?

(U.S. Geography)

  HEMPstead, Long Island; HEMPstead County, Arkansas; HEMPstead, Texas; HEMPhill, North Carolina, HEMPfield, Pennsylvania, among others, were named after cannabis growing regions, or after family names derived from hemp growing.            

American Historical Notes

  In 1619, America’s first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia, “ordering” all farmers to “make tryal of “(grow) Indian hempseed. More mandatory (must-grow) hemp cultivation laws were enacted in Massachusetts in 1631, in Connecticut in 1632 and in the Chesapeake Colonies into the mid-1700s.   Even in England, the much-sought-after prize of full British citizenship was bestowed by a decree of the crown on foreigners who would grow cannabis, and fines were often levied against those who refused.   Cannabis hemp was legal tender (money) in most of the Americas from 1631 until the early 1800s. Why? To encourage American farmers to grow more.1   You could pay your taxes with cannabis hemp throughout America for over 200 years.2   You could even be jailed in America for not growing cannabis during several periods of shortage, e.g., in Virginia between 1763 and 1767. (Herndon, G.M., Hemp in Colonial Virginia, 1963; The Chesapeake Colonies, 1954; L.A. Times, August 12, 1981; et al.)     George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew cannabis on their plantations. Jefferson,3 while envoy to France, went to great expense, and even considerable risk to himself and his secret agents, to procure particularly good hempseeds smuggled illegally into Turkey from China. The Chinese Mandarins (political rulers) so valued their hemp seed that they made its exportation a capital offense.     The Chinese character “Ma” was the earliest name for hemp. By the 10th century, A.D., Ma had become the generic term for fibers of all kinds, including jute and ramie. By then, the word for hemp had become “Ta-ma” or “Da-ma” meaning “great hemp.”     The United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp “plantations”* (minimum 2,000-acre farms) growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton. Most of these plantations were located in the South or in the Border States, primarily because of the cheap slave labor available prior to 1865 for the labor-intensive hemp industry. (U.S. Census, 1850; Allen, James Lane, The Reign of Law, A Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields, MacMillan Co., NY, 1900; Roffman, Roger. Ph.D., Marijuana as Medicine, Mendrone Books, WA, 1982.)   *This figure does not include the tens of thousands of smaller farms growing cannabis, nor the hundreds of thousands if not millions of family hemp patches in America; nor does it take into account that well into this century 80% of America’s hemp consumption for 200 years still had to be imported from Russia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland, etc..   Benjamin Franklin started one of America’s first paper mills with cannabis. This allowed America to have a free colonial press without having to beg or justify the need for paper and books from England.     In addition, various marijuana and hashish extracts were the first, second or third most-prescribed medicines in the United States from 1842 until the 1890s. Its medicinal use continued legally through the 1930s for humans and figured even more prominently in American and world veterinary medicines during this time.   Cannabis extract medicines were produced by Eli Lilly, Parke-Davis, Tildens, Brothers Smith (Smith Brothers), Squibb and many other American and European companies and apothecaries. During all this time there was not one reported death from cannabis extract medicines, and virtually no abuse or mental disorders reported, except for first-time or novice-users occasionally becoming disoriented or overly introverted.     (Mikuriya, Tod, M.D., Marijuana Medical Papers, Medi-Comp Press, CA, 1973; Cohen, Sidney & Stillman, Richard, Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana, Plenum Press, NY, 1976.)  

World Historical Notes

  “The earliest known woven fabric was apparently of hemp, which began to be worked in the eighth millennium (8,000-7,000 B.C.).” (The Columbia History of the World, 1981, page 54.)   The body of literature (i.e., archaeology, anthropology, philology, economy, history) pertaining to hemp is in general agreement that, at the very least:   From more than 1,000 years before the time of Christ until 1883 A.D., cannabis hemp, indeed, marijuana was our planet’s largest agricultural crop and most important industry, involving thousands of products and enterprises; producing the overall majority of Earth’s fiber, fabric, lighting oil, paper, incense and medicines. In addition, it was a primary source of essential food oil and protein for humans and animals.   According to virtually every anthropologist and university in the world, marijuana was also used in most of our religions and cults as one of the seven or so most widely used mood-, mind-or pain-altering drugs when taken as psychotropic, psychedelic (mind-manifesting or -expanding) sacraments.   Almost without exception, these sacred (drug) experiences inspired our superstitions, amulets, talismans, religions, prayers, and language codes. (See Chapter10 on “Religions and Magic.”) (Wasson, R. Gordon, Soma, Divine Mushroom of Immortality; Allegro, J.M., Sacred Mushroom & the Cross, Doubleday, NY, 1969; Pliny; Josephus; Herodotus; Dead Sea Scrolls; Gnostic Gospels; the Bible; Ginsberg Legends Kaballah, c. 1860; Paracelsus; British Museum; Budge; Ency. Britannica, Pharmacological Cults; Schultes & Wasson, Plants of the Gods; Research of: R.E. Schultes, Harvard Botanical Dept.; Wm. EmBoden, Cal State U., Northridge; et al.)  

Great Wars were Fought to Ensure

the Availability of Hemp

  For example, the primary reason for the War of 1812 (fought by America against Great Britain) was access to Russian cannabis hemp. Russian hemp was also the principal reason that Napoleon (our 1812 ally) and his “Continental Systems” allies invaded Russia in 1812. (See Chapter 11, “The (Hemp) War of 1812 and Napoleon Invades Russia.”)   In 1942, after the Japanese invasion of the Philippines cut off the supply of Manila (Abaca) hemp, the U.S. government distributed 400,000 pounds of cannabis seeds to American farmers from Wisconsin to Kentucky, who produced 42,000 tons of hemp fiber annually until 1946 when the war ended.  

Why Has Cannabis Hemp Been

so Important in History?

  Because cannabis hemp is, overall, the strongest, most-durable, longest-lasting natural soft-fiber on the planet. Its leaves and flower tops (marijuana) were, depending on the culture, the first, second or third most-important and most-used medicines for two-thirds of the world’s people for at least 3,000 years, until the turn of the 20th century.   Botanically, hemp is a member of the most advanced plant family on Earth. It is a dioecious (having male, female and sometimes hermaphroditic, male and female on same plant), woody, herbaceous annual that uses the sun more efficiently than virtually any other plant on our planet, reaching a robust 12 to 20 feet or more in one short growing season. It can be grown in virtually any climate or soil condition on Earth, even marginal ones.   Hemp is, by far, Earth’s premier, renewable natural resource. This is why hemp is so very important.  


  1. Clark, V.S., History of Manufacture in the United States, McGraw Hill, NY 1929, Pg. 34.   2. Ibid.   3. Diaries of George Washington; Writings of George Washington, Letter to Dr. James Anderson, May 26, 1794, vol. 33, p. 433, (U.S. govt. pub., 1931); Letters to his caretaker, William Pearce, 1795 & 1796; Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson’s Farm Books; Abel, Ernest, Marijuana: The First 12,000 Years, Plenum Press, NY, 1980; Dr. Michael Aldrich, et al.   Chapter Two –
Chapter 1 «
Chapter 1 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes   By Jack Herer   Overview of the History of Cannabis Hemp   For the Purpose of Clarity in this Book:   Explanations or documentations marked with an ast…
Chapter 15 «
Chapter 15 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   The Official Story Debunking “Gutter Science”   After 15 days of taking testimony and more than a year’s legal deliberation, DEA Administrative Law Judg…
Chapter 14 «
Chapter 14 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   More than Seventy Years of Suppression & Repression   1937:  Hemp banned. Only an estimated 60,000 Americans smoke “marijuana,” but thanks to Hearst…
Chapter 16 «
Chapter 16 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   The Emperor’s New Clothes Alternatives to Prohibition   In conclusion, we see that the government’s case against marijuana is woven of transparent lies….
Chapter 13 «
Chapter 13 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   PREJUDICE:   Marijuana and the Jim Crow Laws   Since the abolition of slavery, racism and bigotry have generally had to manifest themselves in less blat…
Chapter 11 «
Chapter 11 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   The (HEMP) War of 1812 United States vs. Great Britain Napoleon Invades Russia…   This is a piece of history that you may have been a bit hazy on when…
Chapter 9 «
Chapter 9 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   ECONOMICS: Energy, Environment and Commerce   We have explained what hemp has historically meant to this country’s economy. Now, we must also consider t…
Chapter 8 «
Chapter 8 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   Cannabis Hempseed as a Basic World Food   In 1937, Ralph Loziers, general counsel of the National Institute of Oilseed Products, told the Congressional …
Chapter 12 «
Chapter 12 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   Cannabis Drug Use in 19th Century America   Although by 1839, cannabis hemp products for fiber, paper, nautical use, lamp oil, food, etc., were possibly…
Chapter 10 «
Chapter 10 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   Myth, Magic & Medicine:   A Look at the Sociology of Cannabis Use Throughout World History Contrary to popular perception,” marijuana” is not a phen…
Chapter 7 «
Chapter 7 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   Therapeutic Use of Cannabis    There are more than 60 therapeutic compounds in cannabis that are healing agents in medical and herbal treatments. The pr…
Chapter 6 «
Chapter 6 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   The Body of Medical Literature on Cannabis Medicine   Our authority here is the ‘Body of Literature,’ starting with ancient materia medicae: Chinese and…
Chapter 5 «
Chapter 5 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   Marijuana Prohibition Anslinger got his marijuana law…    “Should we believe self-serving, ever-growing drug enforcement/drug treatment bureaucrats, who…
Chapter 3 «
Chapter 3 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   February 1938 – Popular Mechanics Magazine:   “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”   February 1938 – Mechanical Engineering Magazine:   “THE MOST PROFITA…
Chapter 2 «
Chapter 2 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   A Brief Summary of the Uses of Hemp   If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction were banned in order to sav…
Chapter 4 «
Chapter 4 « JackHerer.com Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer   The Last Days of LEGAL Cannabis As you now know, the industrial revolution of the 19th century was a setback for hemp in World commerce, due to the lack…

Marihuana Tax Act of 1937


California Call to Action – Ron Kiczenski



911 call to action!
Please tell LtG Gavin Newsoms Blue Ribbon Commission that any cannabis legislation passed in California needs to guard against GMO cannabis.

6/17/15, Turning Point interviews Dr. Vandana Shiva about the threat of GMO cannabis. Dr. Shiva voices support for the Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act effort/concept etc.We also talk about other genetic engineering concerns.

Dr Vandana Shiva

4/28/15, Turning Point (10am – 11am pst, talks with Sheriff Tom Allman about his conclusion that GMO cannabis is being grown in Mendocino county in spite of the Mendo GMO ban…


Turning Point interviews the President of the California Grange Bob McFarland about GMO’s and the new seed regulation law in Ca. We also talk with Bob about the latest Ca hemp regulations and the need for guarding against GMO cannabis.
Turning Point airs live every Wednesday from 10am-11am pst on KPFZ 88.1 FM, live stream @ KPFZ 88.1 FM Radio


As I write this there are a group of misguided folks (including the Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom) in Sacramento California writing the text of the initiative that will in all likelihood appear on the ballot for 2016. California/national ‘legalization’ forces are counting on said initiative to be the last step before their federal legislation comes to fruition. Naturally endowed human rights (in the context of non commercial activities), and protecting naturally occurring plant DNA from GMO cross pollination contamination (commercial or otherwise) are topics entirely absent from the deliberations that will soon result in whatever laws come from Cali and will inevitably have an impact on what happens at the federal level. Now is the time to add your voice to the process. The following link will get you to the current dialog and provides a place for you to input. Our input would mean far more if we had triggered some media such as was described on the post calling for action on the sheriff interview etc.

Contact the Commission | Blue Ribbon Commission

Contact the Commission | Blue Ribbon Commission the Commission In the News Press Releases Contact the Commission Publications Reference Materials Policy Perspectives Commissioners Upcoming Events
Ron Kiczenski

Ron Kiczenski Please forward these shows links (0n the original post) to and ask them to interview the sheriff asap before the final text of the Cali ballot initiative is set in stone.

Contact Us | Democracy Now! Democracy Now! Mail Us: Democracy Now! 207 W. 25th St., Floor 11 New York, NY 10001 E-mail Us: Use the form to the left Call Us: +1 (212) 431-9090 Fax Us:…
Natural & Unalienable | To garden and cultivate all natural plants for food,shelter,health etc, in self preservation & sustainability

Natural & Unalienable | To garden and cultivate all natural plants for food,shelter,health etc, in self preservation & sustainability/naturalright/Freedom to Garden by Slidely Slideshow Please consider helping us with this text asap. This is a ruff draft of the text that can be adapted for any locality. All suggestions are…

Mass Incarceration in the US

Published on Apr 4, 2014 Thanks to Visually ( for facilitating the creation of this video, to for the animation, and to The Prison Policy Initiative for research help and fact checking. ( It wasn’t easy to pick this topic, but I believe that America’s 40-year policy of mass incarceration is deeply unethical, not very effective, and promotes the security of the few at the expense of the many. It’s hard for me, as a person who was born into privilege, to imagine the challenges convicted criminals face, often for crimes that are utterly non-violent. If you’re feeling like you want to do something about this, I’m mostly just making this video as an informational resource and to encourage people to think of felons not as bad, scary people but just as people. The people at The Prison Policy Initiative were very helpful in the creation of this video and if you want to learn more about their work and how to get involved go to    
Americans for Cannabis | The peoples movement
Americans for Cannabis | The peoples movementWe the people demand that cannabis (hemp, marijuana, THC and other cannabis extracts) be exempted from the DEA’s Controlled Substances Act (like alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and…

A Peoples Initiative?



Oklahomans for Health, a medical marijuana organization in Oklahoma released the proposed text for a 2016 initiative in collaboration form online at

Keary Prophet (my self) founding member from Oklahoma and Oklahoma for Cannabis decided that it would be much more comprehensible and much easier to edit if the pages were blank. Besides, it didn’t look like anything the people I know would write. So thats what I did, I started with a blank page and wrote it as one of the people, for the people and in the manner of medical cannabis rights only. A few adjustment have been sense the original posting but this is pretty much what I came up with in about ten minutes time, high and under sleep deprivation.

This is what I came up with.


 Oklahoma Cannabis Freedom for Patients Act – Medical Only Initiative Alternative


We the people of the state of Oklahoma hereby ordain that cannabis when used medically or for health reasons shall be a lawful act, that


It shall be lawful for doctors and caregivers to recommend, provide, evaluate, test and study cannabis on their patients and report their finding and diagnosis, to collaborate and share information and diagnostic findings amongst the scientific, health and other research communities


It shall be lawful for anyone to give, sell, buy or trade cannabis to or from anyone in medical or health need, or to any doctors, caregivers, scientist, colleges for research purposes


It shall be lawful for anyone to grow cannabis to supply the demands of their own medical or health needs or as a supplier for others needs, or for research and medical community needs, but only providing they have a demand to fill


The people shall not be denied the right to claim a medical or health defense nor be denied the right to have evidence entered that supports his/her defense in any court, a retrial application for a medical or health defense of the people currently convicted and in our prisons


No prisoner or detainee shall be denied his right to obtain and use cannabis for medical or health reasons while in custody


That cannabis in all its strains, extracts, oils and in all and every other form be removed and exempt from the Oklahoma controlled dangerous substances act


That all statutes, acts, ordinances and codes contrary to this act be repealed and made null and void of the force of law



We think peoples initiatives would be a lot better if they came from the people!

We want to know What would a peoples initiative would look like if you the people wrote it? So please post your own version in the comments below and lets see what the people really think by not restricting this project to medical only, write like you have no restrictions. What would your personal initiative relating to ending cannabis prohibition look like?





Americans for Cannabis | The peoples movement

Americans for Cannabis | The peoples movementAmericans for Cannabis™ is a homegrown movement dedicated to promoting honest education about cannabis (hemp, marijuana) and the full repeal of cannabis prohibition. Our main…

Constitutional Cannabis

Constitutional Cannabis - Constitutional Cannabis
Constitutional Cannabis – Constitutional Cannabis Cannabis The Charters of Freedom Repeal & Amend Exhibit A > Continued – Exhibit B > Continued – Exhibit C > Continued – Exhibit D > Continued – Exhibit…
Solutions - Legal - Constitutional Cannabis
Solutions – Legal – Constitutional Cannabis Your World Solutions is Committed to Offering All Sorts of Alternative, Administrative, Business, Employment, Group, Individual and/or Personal Solutions through…